Friday, August 31, 2012

100% Owning Up

You liked this pic so much on my Facebook Page I thought I post again:-)

If I were to ask you a question...

"What percentage of shared responsibility do you have in making a relationship work?"

What would you honestly answer?

50/50? That would be too easy. Both people must be willing to share the responsibility evenly or some one's getting ripped off.

51/49?? Should you be willing to do more than the other person? Aren't relationships built on self sacrifice and generosity?

80/20??? Nope.

The answer is 100/0. Until you are ready to take 100% responsibility with zero expectation of receiving anything in return the relationship will NOT work.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another Goal Hit...

After I sold my box, CrossFit Sioux Falls, in December 2010. I started this blog and one of the goals I set was to, "TO ESTABLISH MYSELF AS AN ONLINE FITNESS PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONALITY", you can find it on my 'About' page.

I have been featured on the CrossFit Affiliate site a number of times with a link of my popular posts. Today I have reached another goal by having my first post on a professional FITness and and Wellness site called, Breaking Muscle. Needless to say I am FLAT OUT EXCITED! Special thanks to Becca Borawski. 

Here is an preview:

In today's world there is no secret to success when it comes to your health and fitness. If anything we can run into the problem of information overload. The Internet, TV, books, eBooks, magazines, and having a fitness gym on every street corner provide us with more information than we would ever need. There is no question that any intelligent person can find out exactly how to get him- or herself in the best shape possible.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The 5 Reasons Why People DONT Become Healthy...

Child's Pose is healthy:-)

I talk a lot about how what you need to do and who you need to become to get yourself in the best shape you desire. Sometimes it is just as good to know what NOT to do as it is to know what to do. 

Why is it that people don't become FIT?

In a country like ours, with the opportunities that we have, why is it that so few people reach their health and fitness goals? Why is America getting fatter every year? Why are more and more people signing up at gyms (i.e. globo's) but ending up quitting after a month or two?